Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mirror Mirror

Routinely, I stare at myself in the mirror and think that I could use a little bit of plastic surgery. Mostly an eyelift, but these days I’ve been obsessing about the lines that have formed on my neck. “Gobble gobble, I’m a turkey,” I think to myself as I pull the skin back and forth on my neck. I’m brought back to a time in the mid-nineties (my early 20’s), when Coldesthands used to tell me that it’s always the neck and hands that go first. I had nightmares that night.

Fortunately, Mr. T. frequently adds his two cents, and reminds me of a Web site he discovered a few years back: If that’s not enough to convince you that you’ll likely look like shit after boob jobs, collagen injections, face lifts and nose jobs, I don’t know what is…

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