Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Citing Sources

Although I’d like to take credit for the clever name of this blog, I have to cite my source. A long time ago, in the far off land of Ottawa there was a closeted twink who spent a lot of time at his friend Lentil’s home. On the back door of the Lentil’s family’s house, her parents had hung a wooden sign that read “Backdoor friends are best.” When our mutual friend Danny Boi (who is incidentally, a girl) and I first saw this sign and read it out loud we both exchanged glances and a giggle. She knew what was on my mind.

Strangely, the sign somehow pushed a button: thus beginning my coming out. One by one, I revealed to all of my bitches that backdoor friends are indeed the best!

I tried to find a replica of the sign by doing a Google image search, but only came up with this.

Lentil and her dear husband are leaving this very day for a trip around the world. For the next year, I crown them “The Globetrotters,” and will follow their every move by reading their travel blog religiously. I wish I were running from everything…

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