Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's a Helluva Town

The long weekend brought us to NYC and surrounding area. Here are a few snaps of cityscape and others, from our stay in the Big Apple.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the Apple Store. This cube had a circular glass elevator that brought you down into the store. I felt like I was in the future!

Here are some metal trees we saw in Madison Square park. Vaguely reminiscent of the metal flower that we saw in Buenos Aires. Mr. T thought that it looked like the metal trees were fighting! "Take that you impostor!" "NOOOO, take that you impostor!"

We stumbled upon the Ukrainian festival, and so, Mr. T, insisted on snapping one of me in front of the Trezoob (the Uke trident that you see hanging above my head). It's funny, these festivals are universal. All of the stalls were selling the same things that they sell at the one that happens in Montreal -- painted eggs, embroidered shirts, pirogies, cabbage rolls etc... Haven't we evolved as a people? I mean, how about a Вєрка Сердючка CD or t-shirt or sumfin'? Huh?

In the garden at the MoMA. These were some amazing metal sculptures that you could just walk through and around. One of them was shaped like a slanted ellipse. Depending on your position, your voice would be muted or amplified.

Inside the MoMA looking down a few levels at a super-cool helicopter. Do you feel dizzy?

The mandatory picture of sculpted-labouring-men-statues. My favourite was Mr. Coal. Hey, this gives me an idea for a pageant...

After a couple of nights in the big city we took the train out to visit our friends Mayla and Ron, and their daughter Lirit in Stamford Connecticut (or Stepford, as Mayla likes to call it). Lirit wanted to try out Mr. T's hat.

And then, my glasses...

Call me greedy, but four days (three sleeps) is just not enough... We've made a pact to go back every Victoria Day weekend. Long live the Queen!


Anonymous said...

hey! is that a new leather jacket?
no, you are definitely not greedy. we should all not work for a year and spend it elsewhere.
can't wait to go to new york with you sometime. of course here in japan things are pretty ultra cool, too!

Olivier said...

The Apple Store looks even more virtual as the one on the internet. Did you buy anything fun, sleak and horrendously dispendious?