Thursday, January 25, 2007

¡15 días hasta que es caliente!

With the temperatures in Montreal falling into a deepfreeze pattern, I’ve become increasingly excited about our upcoming trip to Argentina. Bundled up in my hooded jacket, scarf, gloves and hat this morning, I marched to the metro in –30-degree wind-chill. The buds of my headphones froze the interior of my ears while the sound of the Spanish Earworm instructed me to reiterate “Y otro coñac para mí también.” I thought that it was a bit early for cognac, but I just went with it...

Other preparatory exercises have included booking hotels, a wine tour, as well as figuring out the best way to get from Buenos Aires to Mendoza. In the end we decided to fly, if only to avoid the 12-hour/955-kilometer trek on the bus.

The countdown has begun in earnest! I hope to blog a little bit while I’m there (but will not commit to daily updates). In the meantime, I leave you with an excerpt from our favourite diva/African baby thief adopter:

Fill me up with your heat, with your noise
With your dirt, overdo me
Let me dance to your beat, make it loud
Let it hurt, run it through me.
Don't hold back, you are certain to impress
Tell the driver this is where I'm staying

Hello, Buenos Aires
Get this, just look at me dressed up, somewhere to go
We'll put on a show

Oh, will we ever put on a show... Especially after our Tango lessons – although I fear that it will be more of a comedy than a cultural event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't rub it in, ya bum!