Monday, March 05, 2007

Post-Vacation Blahs

  • One week ago to the day: starting back at work.
  • Two weeks ago to the day: our delicious wine tour and lunch in Mendoza.
  • Three weeks ago to the day: our shopping extravaganza in Palermo.

Sigh, I wish it were three weeks ago. To lift my spirits, I have been watching a photo/video montage that Mr. T made this weekend:

Doesn't it make you want to go to Argentina? It sure makes me wish I were back in America del Sur. I guess I'll just have to content myself with making snow angels for the next month or so. Not that I really ever do that...


Anonymous said...

finally got caught up on your travel posts. you can even make a girl on vacation jealous with those kind of postings!
i think you may be more adventurous travellers than us. two things i would definitely not do: paragliding, and meandering around the 'unsafe' areas!
must go and itch my mosquito bites (please work, anti-malarials) in my musty indian hotel room.
love lentil

montreal'mat said...

Waouh, que d'effets, j'en ai presque le tournis. I feel like I drunk a few glasses of Argentinian wine on a roof of the city. Our turn next time. Ca donne envie d'y aller !